
Monday, May 23, 2011


I’m constantly asked (now that the semester is coming to an end) when I’ll be going back home for the summer holiday and my answer is “not sure”. For some reason, people expect me to go back home as soon as I’m done with exams. They also expect me to be homesick 24/7 during my stay in the UK. As shocking as it may sound to them (and to you maybe) I only get the feeling of being homesick when I get one of those nightmares that a beloved person passes away, usually it’s dad, and that lasts for less than 24 hours. I wont lie, I do miss them but not to the point where I’d cry whenever I talk to them or something of that sort. Girls in our family aren’t usually allowed to study abroad and given the chance to do so makes me appreciate staying here even more.

No body is perfect and so is our family. Don’t get me wrong I love them more than anything in the world and I’m proud to be one of them. The problem is (which is why I don’t want to go back to Oman so soon) that my parents especially my dad doesn’t have “family time” as a concept in his life. Let’s say we’ve planned an outing and it happens that a guest decides to come visit and gives my dad a call 5 minutes before we leave. No, he will not tell him that he’s busy, he’ll just cancel our outing… simple as that. It might be part of our traditions to do so but I absolutely HATE it when he does that.

So yeah, when I go back to Oman what I really want is some family time. I’m better off staying here knowing I’m not seeing them because I’m in another continent rather than being in Oman, same country, same city same house but not being able to spend time with them because of the constant guests that come and my parents’ inability to arrange some family time and stick with it. 


  1. Well we all have imperfections and I totally understand what you mean. But after a while you'd just miss them to beats and go just to for a quick visit ;)

  2. True maybe after a while.. I hope so y3ni :p Or then i'll seem like a heartless creature xD
