
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Adjusting to Changes

I sit and watch from far away and see the signs of happiness curved on their faces. Whispers, laughs and endless talks. Rubbing it on my face, showing me what I'm missing. But I wont say a word, I don't regret my decisions. All I can do is sit and watch a close friend walk away slowly and painfully. Will the day come when I wont even get a fake smile from you, dear friend? If that day comes, I still wont say anything, because I'm always wrong. I used to speak freely with you, just speak my mind. It was like talking to my reflection but not anymore. I think twice if not more before I even say "Hi". I'm always scared to say the wrong thing, something that will send you off running not just walking away. I'm not ready to lose a friend but thats exactly what is happening. I just hope I'll be remembered, I know I'll stay somewhere in your heart but I'll get covered up with all the new friends till it seems like I never existed.


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    ugh. changes..grrr. as of now i'm losing my best friend. our lives r drifting apart because im married and pregnant and striving to be a good woman and she just wants to be a party girl. i hate it. i wish she would go back to being the sweet innocent girl I used to sit and fantasize marriage with. I hope this is just words of thought coming from u and not u losing ur friend. its tough! i know. good luck

  2. I really hope so too, Anya. I hope your friend starts to understand, maybe one day when she's married and pregnant. Thank you for passing by.
    Wish you and the baby all the best <3

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I've been in your place once, when I thought I lost a friend. But then I started talking and hanging with her again as if nothing happened. Ofcourse it's not the same as before, but something is better than nothing.
    Good luck hun!
