
Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Don't Want Time To Stop

I don't remember how many times I've mentioned wanting time to stop. To just freeze a moment in time and stay in it. I've said it so many times, not actually thinking about what it meant. To stop time, to freeze it, is to die, and I'm not ready for death. 

I need the time to shape a better version of myself. I need the time to travel the world east and west. I need the time to spend with those I love, to cherish their presence, to fill my conscious and subconscious brain with memories. I need the time to read all the books I haven't gotten my hands on yet, to read for Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, for Rumi and Omar Khayyam. I need time to learn, to seek knowledge, to understand theories and maybe make some of my own. I need the time to master the art of coffee making, to prefect cooking rice, to make my favorite dishes. I need the time to get a job, to make a simple difference, to educate, to raise awareness. 

I want to to feel the rain and the wind, the cold and the heat. I want to find beauty in the tiny details around me. To ignore my worries, forget about the oblivious future. I want to live every second of every moment, to document it with pretty words and pictures. I want to live a long and accomplished life, one that’s able to inspire you and me. 

I’m not sure who gave me the idea but I don’t want time to stop.

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