
Friday, January 01, 2016

Dear 26

Dear 26,

2015 has finally ended with cuts and bruises but with a braver heart and a more conscious brain. I have hit so many walls in the past year i'm surprised I didn't get a concussion. It was definitely a year of reading, I've read so much that I already miss all the free time I had. Forgetting your worries, travelling to different places while you're laying on bed or sitting in the living room is an amazing feeling. I'm glad 2015 is over though. Glad of the people I got to know better and the beautiful opportunity to start my MSc. I was very bitter throughout the year just like my black coffee but that's alright. I barely slept and spent the sleepless hours overthinking, I didn't find solutions but it felt good doing something instead of just tossing and turning. 

I'll leave that all behind. I'll just take the person I grew to be to help me carry on. I'm ready to face 2016, I'm ready to be braver, more courageous, more conscious about myself and surroundings. Will I get a chance to read as much? Not as much I guess but there is always a way. For a change I'll be optimistic, positive and leave my worries behind. 

26, I'm sure you can see the change I feel and you'll probably read this and smile in public. And when you do, someone will smile back, because it only makes sense things will workout. 

Happy new year!

Still 23 but different in so many ways,

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