
Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear 26

Dear 26,

I'm writing to you because I find comfort in the idea of being 26. I have faith that by the time I reach you I would have figured out things of importance during my 20's and probably settled with a job I enjoy. And most importantly a mind at peace. 

It's 11:46 pm while writing this and I find myself in a state of confusion and losing hope on the things I want to achieve. I have read a total of 25 books since the last day of exams and I find myself avoiding the present situation by burying myslef in a book, hiding from reality. I haven't bothered searching for a job yet and haven't been doing much about university applications. I'll regret this if I don't start moving.

I find myself avoiding going out. Avoiding people. Finding comfort at home. Away from people who will start asking about my plans now that I have graduated. To tell you the truth, I'm worried. I'm worried I'll lose hope, lose interest and lose myself during this year. 

I have things planned out, from now till I reach you, but by now I'm convinced plans never work out. 

Yet I still can't help making plans.

Yours truly,

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