
Saturday, February 01, 2014

In Debt Before 25: Coffee

I introduced a series of post entitled In Debt Before and you could read the first blogpost here!

Arabic coffee is part of our culture but growing up my mom used to make sure we don't over drink it. Being away for university, and mom not being around, my coffee drinking went out of control. It started with a cup of latte with 5 spoons of sugar because I didn't like the taste. The sugar was reduced to 4, 3, 2, 1 and non. It went from a latte to a cappuccino to an americano and espresso sometimes. I still can't gulp down espresso that well so I leave it for when I really need the caffeine kick.

I think sometime last year I made a promise to myself that I'll start making my own cup of coffee in the morning rather than jump to one of the many cafes around. It worked out for the first few months until christmas time came and everything went down hill from there. Gingerbread lattes were my favourite drink around that time. Whenever I go into a coffee shop I'd look for it in their menu. I have got to say that Costa's was my favourite thanks to the little gingerbread man they add on top.

I live right in the heart of the city centre in a street where coffee shops are in every corner. A Nero in the neighbouring building (Chai Lattes or White Mochas), a Costa across the street (Americano) and a Starbucks on the other side on my way to uni (Caramel Lattes).

I justify my coffee purchases with those loyalty cards you get. 10 drinks in Nero and the next for free. Collect start from starbucks and get the 16th drink for free (I think that's how it works) and I'm not sure how the Costa one works but I think you collect points that can be redeemed to buy a drink.

I did make my own cup of coffee today so good for me! Lets hope I continue with it. The last thing we want is my dad being right :p

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